The Thermal Coordinator shall coordinate all thermal soaring events and ensure that contests are properly governed and directed. The CD for each event shall act as Safety Officer at all thermal events sponsored by the society. The Thermal Coordinator may appoint any qualified staff required to conduct any event, including scorekeeper, CD/assistant CD, field manager, etc. Any proposed permanent positions must be approved by the Executive Council.
The Thermal Coordinator shall maintain a complete record of performance by all thermal contest entrants and be the chairman of the Awards Committee.
All contests shall have at least four rounds, subject to weather or other conditions. CDs for each contest will coordinate planned tasks with the Thermal Coordinator and provide a contest announcement for the club website. CDs shall submit contest tasks and announcements to the Thermal Coordinator no later than the 15th of the prior month. The CD will write a brief article following the contest to appear in the next newsletter.
The CD is responsible to arrange for any required equipment at the Poway field.
Encinitas Field Rain Considerations
If there is at least 0.25 inches of rain within the five days immediately preceding a contest, the contest will either be rescheduled or cancelled. An update will be posted on the website, sent to the TPG Google Group list, and posted in any applicable RC Groups contest thread(s).
Competitor Classes (TD only)
There will be one competitor class in Unlimited, with all pilots scored against each other. There will be one competitor class in RES, with all pilots scored against each other.
TD – actual flight times shall be rounded to the nearest full second, with XX.50 seconds or more rounded up and XX.49 seconds or less rounded down. For example: 9:59.50 becomes 10:00, and 9:59.49 becomes 9:59.
F5J – actual flight time shall be rounded down (truncated) to the full second, in accordance with FAI rules. For example: 9:59.XX becomes 9:59.
Scoring All competition classes and competitor classes shall be scored together at each contest. All scores shall be maintained to two decimal places.
Yearly Cumulative Scoring All Unlimited and RES TD classes shall be scored together and normalized to 1,000 points. The separate season championships for TD and F5J shall be determined by the best four out of five contests in each format.
There will be an additional aggregate championship for TD and F5J combined, determined by the best four out of five contests for each format added together.
Awards (TD) Monthly contests will award ribbons for each class – 1st through 3rd place. There must be at least five pilots in each class to qualify for ribbons to 3rd place. Year-end awards shall be given for Unlimited and RES.
Awards (F5J) Monthly contests will award ribbons – 1st through 3rd place. There must be at least five pilots to qualify for ribbons to 3rd place. Year-end awards shall be given.