F3L / F3RES Thermal Duration Competitions

F3L Contest Pilot's Photo

F3L (a.k.a. F3RES) is a type of RC gliding, governed by the FAI, where the aircraft is controlled by Rudder, Elevator and Spoiler. No other controlled surfaces are allowed. The gliders are not allowed to have motors. Instead they are launched by a long bungee cord, called a hi-start. The goal of F3L is to keep the building simple and the costs low as a way to introduce new pilots to RC competitions.

Fly with friends, improve your thermal flying skills and compete in a relaxed environment for fun.

Contest Format

TPG runs two competitions side-by-side. The club will supply the hi-start bungees and the landing tapes. You supply a sailplane that meets the construction requirements.

2M RES: The wingspan is limited to 2 meters. Fly for a 6 minute max time with bonus points for an accurate landing. 

250G RES: Total flying weight must be under 250g and max flight time is 5 minutes.

Each contest consists of a four hour flying window during which pilots need to post five or six scores. A score consists of two parts: 2 points per second up to the max flight time and then 2 points deducted for each second over. Then up to 100 bonus points depending on how close the landing is to a target.  All points for all rounds in a class are summed together to arrive at a total competition score.

Landing out of bounds, launching outside of the flying window, shedding parts or landing with the nose buried will score a zero for that flight.

For detailed contest rules, please see the official FAI rulebook. Any changes to the format, either due to weather or other reasons, will be declared by the Contest Director at the pilot’s meeting immediately prior to the contest.

How to Participate

Everyone is welcome to come watch. You will need a current AMA membership to participate. A TPG membership gets you a discount on the entry fee. Don’t be discouraged if you are not flying the latest design. As long as it is safe to fly, come out and have fun!

Entry is $5 per class for TPG members. For non-members it is $10 for the first class and $5 for each additional class.

Event registration and payment will be through F3X Vault, with pilots self-entering scores on their phones. Entry will generally close one day before the contest. Registration details for each event will be provided in advance on our Discord server and Google Group.

Contest Location

Contests will be flown at the Encinitas Flight Center.

Field use restriction: If there is at least 0.25 inches of rain within the five days immediately preceding a contest, the contest will be moved to the Poway field.

Contests generally start at 9:00 with a pilot’s meeting shortly before.

Popular Gliders

FAI rules dictate many details regarding construction. For example, each glider must be predominantly constructed from wood with carbon limited to the spar and boom. Here are a few different gliders that are popular within the club. They can all be purchased in kit form and some can be purchased almost ready to fly (ARF).

Yellow Jacket – This is very popular within the club.  Kits exist for both 2m and 1.5m. 

FliteTest Simple Soarer – This is a very cheap and easy to build kit made from foam board.  It is a good way to quickly get some practice. TPG allows foam board construction as an exception to the official FAI rules.

Hyperflight – This UK supplier has many different models to choose from. The Wiki and Purito models are popular.