TPG will continue our F5J style foamy fun fly contests (and clinic) at our Poway field. This is truly a fun-fly and a great way to get into F5J style flying. Any foamy or stick-built plane up to 2m (or so) is welcome. Night Radians are very popular but we also see Yellow Jackets (stick-built) and a variety of other vintage foamy and balsa stick-built aircraft.
We fly 7-minute windows with standard F5J landing tapes. If you are just getting started and do not have an Altis yet, no problem. Your timer will give you the 30 second call to cut your motor and the CD will announce a default launch height to be used for scoring purposes.
We typically pause mid-contest for a quick clinic. Subjects generally focus on F5J topics of interest to pilots getting into the format. The events are free but we still ask all pilots to sign up on F3X Vault so we know how many to expect and can run the matrix ahead of time. Come on out and join the fun!
Register for free:
Contact for Zoom link
TPG kicks off the F5J Tour opener again this year. The event will be January 25 and 26. It will be held at the Perris free flight center near Perris CA. This event will be a joint event to kick off the tour and provide the US team, a bit of fundraising
Fly-offs are to be determined. Lunch will be provided both days. We are laying down a bit of new grass seed and with luck and a little more rain, we will have green grass on the field.
The Paris field is one of the top thermal duration fields in the country. Don’t miss this event to kick off the tour and have a great sendoff for our US team.
Register here:
Fly ‘n Swap – A day to fly + Swap Meet. Clean out you garages and make room for more birds
Anniversray of the monthly DLG Series
Contact for Zoom link
TPG continues its 2023 thermal contest series with F5J on Sunday March 12th. The event will be held in conjunction with the F5JinLA crew at the Perris SCAMPS field, near I-215 and Hwy 74.
Pre-registration on F3XVault is required. If you are not registered as a pilot on the Vault, you must do so before signing up for the event. NO EXCEPTIONS – you must register to fly. Registration closes at 12:00 on Saturday March 11th.
Contest registration link:
Perris field map: (the third line of driving directions “Go left on E. San Jacinto Road” should say “go right…”)
Entry fee is $10. Pilots meeting at 8:00 with the first round starting at ~8:15.
See you there.
Tom Watson (TPG CD)
Contact for Zoom link