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TPG will continue our F5J style foamy fun fly contests (and clinic) at our Poway field. This is truly a fun-fly and a great way to get into F5J style flying. Any foamy or stick-built plane up to 2m (or so) is welcome. Night Radians are very popular but we also see Yellow Jackets (stick-built) and a variety of other vintage foamy and balsa stick-built aircraft.
We fly 7-minute windows with standard F5J landing tapes. If you are just getting started and do not have an Altis yet, no problem. Your timer will give you the 30 second call to cut your motor and the CD will announce a default launch height to be used for scoring purposes.
We typically pause mid-contest for a quick clinic. Subjects generally focus on F5J topics of interest to pilots getting into the format. The events are free but we still ask all pilots to sign up on F3X Vault so we know how many to expect and can run the matrix ahead of time. Come on out and join the fun!
Register for free:
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For 2021 TPG will host a Foamy F5J contest series at the Poway Flight Center.
This series is open to everyone with AMA (must be Full or Youth membership) and a Foam F5J sailplane with the intention to introduce folks to F5J. Guests are welcome to compete, no experience is necessary, the format will be geared for first time F5J contestants. Expect ample time between rounds to get your stuff together, timer help, understanding Rules and Task support, and responsible use of the “Mike Smith Rule”.
Date are (All Saturdays):
March 27 (…_id=1983&tab=1)
May 8
July 10
Oct 3
Registration is via F3X Vault. CDs are welcome to volunteer.
Pilots meeting 8:45 am, contest start 9 am. Plan to fly 4 rounds. Similarly to the DLG Clinic we will have a break to discuss a F5J topic.
Examples of Foam F5J planes are: Parkzone Radian and Radian XL, EFlite Night Radian. Multiplex Easy Glider, Solius. This list is not exclusive. Other planes maybe acceptable but please check with the CD prior registration. The spirit of the requirement is to allow contestants to compete and learn with inexpensive planes.
Changes will be noted on F3X Vault.
COVID-19 Rules will be in effect. ( Stealing from Chuck’s DLG Contest Series announcement):
1) Pilots (timers, guests and observers) must have a mask when arriving at the field.
2) Masks are required when you are within 6 ft of separation such as during pilots meeting.
3) Masks are optional when flying or timing, as long as the 6 ft separation is maintained.
4) Pre-registration *and payment* for each event is required via F3XVault. No cash registration on site. Events may have a max capacity, monitor RCgroups for information. In those cases registration would be on a first come first served basis.
5) Scoring will be through mobile devices direct to F3XVault.
6) Maintain 6ft separation between pilots and timers at all times.
7) Please stay home if you do not feel well or have any symptoms associated with Covid-19.
8) Bring your own paper and pencil to score tasks prior to uploading into the Vault, if you like.
Note: All of the eLSF Level I requirements (Two 5 min Thermal Flight and Ten 3 Meter Landings) and can be met by participants. LSF is free and registration can be completed on line.…gram/lsf-tasks
Consider this event series for more F5J:…ntest-schedule
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June 28-29
SkyPark World RC Soaring Festival
SkyPark at Santa’s Village, Lake Arrowhead
Event cancelled due to poor wind forecast – Aerobatics Day – TWF/ PNF – Jester’s, Ahi’s, Shrike’s; whatever turns on a dime.
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TPG will continue our F5J style foamy fun fly contests (and clinic) at our Poway field. This is truly a fun-fly and a great way to get into F5J style flying. Any foamy or stick-built plane up to 2m (or so) is welcome. Night Radians are very popular but we also see Yellow Jackets (stick-built) and a variety of other vintage foamy and balsa stick-built aircraft.
We fly 7-minute windows with standard F5J landing tapes. If you are just getting started and do not have an Altis yet, no problem. Your timer will give you the 30 second call to cut your motor and the CD will announce a default launch height to be used for scoring purposes.
We typically pause mid-contest for a quick clinic. Subjects generally focus on F5J topics of interest to pilots getting into the format. The events are free but we still ask all pilots to sign up on F3X Vault so we know how many to expect and can run the matrix ahead of time. Come on out and join the fun!
Register for free:
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Bring a shovel, gloves, and a mask.
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Contact for Zoom link
TPG will continue our F5J style foamy fun fly contests (and clinic) at our Poway field. This is truly a fun-fly and a great way to get into F5J style flying. Any foamy or stick-built plane up to 2m (or so) is welcome. Night Radians are very popular but we also see Yellow Jackets (stick-built) and a variety of other vintage foamy and balsa stick-built aircraft.
We fly 7-minute windows with standard F5J landing tapes. If you are just getting started and do not have an Altis yet, no problem. Your timer will give you the 30 second call to cut your motor and the CD will announce a default launch height to be used for scoring purposes.
We typically pause mid-contest for a quick clinic. Subjects generally focus on F5J topics of interest to pilots getting into the format. The events are free but we still ask all pilots to sign up on F3X Vault so we know how many to expect and can run the matrix ahead of time. Come on out and join the fun!
Register for free:
Contact for Zoom link